Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Stream of Consciousness- Irony

It stings my face as I'm walking, walking towards better. Only me, me and my faithful companion . Our life just barely hanging on to the single thread as we trudge, halfheartedly. A roar intrudes my thoughts, landing my feet firmly on the ground, crunching snow underneath, trying, trying to forget the one who left us here. Again I drift to my thoughts, my only escape, and remember the red vehicle arriving just after a black cat crosses my unfortunate path. Again, a blood-curling scream intrudes. My face still stings from snow turned to hail and frozen tears, I manage to turn and see a rock fall onto my companion. Now I'm alone and deserted, and this cold, harsh world.


  1. Your friend gets crushed to death and you keep walking? What's wrong with you! It didn't seem ironic as it did tragic. If you think about it it's a tragedy.

  2. I don't keep walking. It says that I turn just as he is crushed, then it goes on to say that I feel alone. I don't keep walikng Derek.

  3. Derek you just got burned. This was really well done and it also is really sad.

  4. thats really good kelsey very sad too

  5. That's really sad.. Makes you really feel bad for the characters. Nicely written and the symbolism is great!

    On a random note, I really love black cats. :)

  6. That was really good. Wait who was you companion, because it better not have been your dog, because he is so sweet and doesn't deserve to die.

  7. Wow. That is really sad. You really did a good job of setting the reader in a scene in this.

  8. Well written! This is very sad and scary! What was on your mind when you wrote it?

  9. My companion was some random friend.
    Nothing was really on my mind, as weird as it sounds, my favorite mode to write is Irony.

  10. Yeah I felt like I actually might have been there walking next to you! Nice job

  11. This is really good, you did a great job of setting the scene. Nice job :)

  12. I feel the same way Allison! I could picture everything clearly in my mind. You did a good job! It was also sad, but I suppose that that was what you wanted us to feel. GOOD JOB!
