Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Barkley (my dog)

The feel of his soft fur
against my skin
enclosing me
in a world
of his love
for me
and his
carefree ways
comfort my life
with the thought
of relaxation
and days
of doing nothing
with him
my dog
my companion
my secret-keeper


  1. You are really good at writing poetry! I wish I had a dog or cat, because they're so much fun and so reliable.

  2. Dang it! Don't write about dogs they make me think of Cher. Good piece by the way, you're good at poetry.

  3. AWWWWWWWW!!! that was a really cute poem. YOu're so good at writing poetry. You should make a journal of your poems. Also remember to GET THAT BROWNIE RECIPE FOR ME!!!!!!!

  4. That's such a cute dog poem. It kind of reminds me of my dog alone with me for half an hour before my brothers storm in. What kind of dog is Barkley?
