Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This poem represents someone being young and innocent sitting by a fire roasting marshmallows. I've done this with my family many times when I was younger, so the innocence reminds me of those times.

As youth and love collide
Amongst the flame lit night
I feel you by my side
But not within my sight
The crackle of the log
The melody for the night
Beside me lies a dog
Enjoying the firelight

Our marshmallows melting
Our faces aglow
By the fire's light shining
We feel the warm blow
Wild in the air
Beneath the starry sky
Tonight there is not a care
Beside the fire's sigh

The stars above my head
The blanket beneath my chin
I argued when you said
It was time to go in
Now laying in my bed
Ready to go to sleep
Goodnight warm fire red

It's time to count the sheep