Monday, November 30, 2009

Note to bikers: Always speak clearly!

Derek, Sammy, and I all live in the same neighborhood, and sometimes in the summer we hang out or go biking. One day as we were biking, Derek decided to come up behind me. Coming up on my side, he scares me by yelling a loud "WHAAAA!" (or in his translation: don't turn). Thinking it was more of aa "WHAAA!" , and being freaked out, I "accidently" turn into him. He fell over his handle bars, while I fall(still on my bike) into his bike, ending up crushed between the two bikes. Luckily, neither of us were hurt, except this messed up Derek's gears on his bike. I'm guessing this was funny for Sammy to watch though. So, if any of you are biking with a friend, always speak clearly(Derek).


  1. I clearly shouted not to turn, but you had to turn didn't you? I flew over the handle bars while she just tipped over and caught herself.

  2. That's kind of funny. It sounds like something that would happen to me and my friends in my neighborhood! We accidentally do that kind of stuff all the time. Like that one time I got pushed into a creek... Yeah. Glad neither of you got hurt though.

  3. Ha ha I remeber that. You told us about it, and I believe you Kelsey that Derek didn't speak clearly. Though Derek says different.

  4. I also remember you telling us about that. Biking apparently can be very dangerous when certain people don't speak clearly enough. FUn story to hear again though!! :-D

  5. Everyone has to side with her son't they? I said don't turn!!!!!

  6. Haha. That sounds like something Erin, Jessi, and I would do. That's really funny. I agree that Derek should maybe learn how to speak a little clearer, in english, and stop the creepy laughs, they are scary.
