Wednesday, June 1, 2011

There may be time

Authors note: When I wrote this piece, my inspiration was someone who I love that as time goes on, may spread us apart. I wanted the reader to imagine somebody who they love that could possibly be taken away from then.

There may be a year

Or two or three

But there may be a day

Left for just you and me

We may have a lifetime

To celebrate what we love

But there may just be time

To wait for the above

Your childhood will be missed

The comfort you once gave

It will never be forgotten

All the love I will save

So now as we wait

For time to pass by

Live well and live all

Promise you'll try


  1. Aww this is so cute!!!! I loved the rhyming and the rhythm of the poem. It was really pretty I loved it!

  2. This is such a lovely poem! Look at how you have grown over the course of this year in your ability to craft a poem that really reflects you as a person, your real voice. This poem is totally you. Wonderful.
